Thursday, June 16, 2005

MPAA's Glickman Rhetoric Redux

The full P2P-Communist speech of Motion Picture Association of America's President Dan Glickman is now available in webcast and word document. While he closes his speech with the "hope we can work together in a non-polarizing way", his rhetoric does exactly the opposite, of course:
[I]f you peruse the Internet, you can find advocates for a radical new movement that believes that all intellectual property should be commonly owned.

These people think that copyright laws are too constraining and that the Internet should be seen as a "global commons" with little regulation and no enforcement of intellectual property laws.
Who is he talking about? Who are these radicals that believe in public ownership of "all intellectual property"? Global commons or Creative Commons? For Glickman dissent apparently means radicalism. Even if those radicals actually don't believe in a total maximalisation of common ownership.

Glickman on the other hand has some great lessons for Elementary and Secondary school childeren on Intellectual Property rights:
"There is not much difference...or any difference in terms of legal protection between them and physical property rights." [from webcast]
Yeh, Intellectual Property = Physical Property --> Downloading = Theft

But let's close with some nice words from Glickman, The Great Uniter. He twists his own rhetoric and suggests that movies create communism communities, where technology has a harder time to win over the individual for a collective mindset (And, yeh, movies are apparently no technology.):
"Movies are a way that bring people together. Technology is a wonderful thing. But in many respects what we found is that technology not necessarily resolves in a sense of community. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't." [from webcast]


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